Share with Dealer
The 'Share with Dealer' feature is a great way to work collaboratively with your dealers on Elastic. Sharing with a dealer allows the dealer to login, see the order that you've shared with them, make edits to the order, and even submit the order. Dealers will receive an email confirmation when an order is shared with them. The rep also has an option to include a message to the dealer, these notes will be shared in the dealer notification email.
Share with a dealer can be accessed from the 'Manage' menu by selecting orders, or from the 'Menu' while working on an order. Please note that sharing is only available on orders in 'draft' state. Once an order is submitted, it can't be shared. It is still possible to create PDF and XLSX reports of the submitted order to share with your accounts, and you can always create a duplicate order to be shared with another dealer.
Once shared, reloading the page will show this order has been shared with a link share symbol.
- Notifications will only go to dealers with registered users.
- Only draft orders can be shared.
- PDF and XLSX reports of submitted orders can be created and sent to dealers / reps.